FEI Talos F200X Features
- Field Emission Gun operating at 200 keV, as well as 80, 100 and 120 keV for biological samples.
- Resolution: 0.16 nm
- High-speed Ceta camera (16 megapixel, with 40 frames per second at 4K resolution)
- Single and double tilt holders, low profile tomography holder, heating/electrical (Protochips Fusion), cryo holder (Gatan Elsa model)
- Super-X EDS analytical system for high-speed elemental mapping with nanometer-scale spatial resolution
- Gatan EELS system with Ultrafast Dual EELS capability (for mapping two distinct energy ranges during the same scan)
- Scanning nanobeam diffraction and tomogrpahy coupled with Super-X EDS analysis.
Ideal for: Ultra high resolution imaging, EDS for elemental profiling and mapping, EELS for light element analysis and mapping, SAD for crystal phase structural analysis, in-situ heating and electrical analysis, cryo stage.