The EMC provides access to many sample preparation equipment, from precision saw to ion polihsing. Here is a list of the equipment:
Metallography, cross-sectioning and TEM preparation:
- JEOL IB-19520CCP cryo cross-section ion polisher
- Buehler Isomet: low speed precision saw
- Buehler Ecomet 3: mechanical polishing
- Allied High Tech Multiprep: mechanical automated polishing and thinning for advanced sample preparation
- Buehler Vibromet 2: vibration polishing for final preparation of EBSD samples
- Buehler Minimet 1000: precision mechanical polishing/grinding of small specimens
- Gatan Ultrasonic Disc Cutter (Model 601): disk cutting for TEM sample preparation
- Gatan Dimpler/Grinder (Model 656): grinding/dimpling of TEM samples
Coating, drying and freezing:
- Leica ACE 600 carbon/sputter coater
- ThermoFisher Scientific Vitrobot plunge freezer
- Leica EM ICE high pressure freezer
- Leica AFS2 freeze substitution
- Leica FC7 cryo ultramicrotome
- Leica TRIM2 trimmer
- Leica CPD300 critical point dryer