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Electron Microscopy Center

The Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) is a multi-user shared equipment center that serves the entire university community and industries locally and nationwide.

Located in the basement of the ASTeCC Building, in the middle of campus within the engineering complex, the EMC offers access, training and assistance on top-of-the-art imaging and materials characterization instruments.

The EMC is an active member of the KY Multiscale Manufacturing and Nanointegration Node (KY MMNIN), one of 16 nationally recognized sites in the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), and of the KY IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (KY INBRE) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

For Companies and External Users
Training and assistance on the Electron Microscopy Center’s equipment is also available to commercial businesses and other external users (governmental organizations, other Universities…).

Future Capabilities
If you would like to collaborate on new equipment acquisition for future needs, contact the EMC administration.


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FEI Helios Nanolab 660

EMC Workshops

The EMC is opening its labs to industrial users! A series of workshops will be conducted over the Spring semester to help businesses and industrial users get familiar with the equipment and characterization techniques available to them at the University of Kentucky Electron Microscopy Center.

KY Inbre

KY INBRE Electron Microscopy Workshop hosted by the EMC at the University of Kentucky

Over 100 researchers were in attendance for the KY INBRE workshop.

Jian Pu Spotlight

Biological EM sample preparation now offered at the EMC

Please contact Dr. Jian Pu for assistance.